Richland Kiwanis  

The Kiwanis Club of Richland has a long and illustrious history.  The club was founded in 1945 by a group of engineers, scientists, and workers employed at the government's Hanford Works project.  The club supports Richland schools and community while providing good fellowship and service.  Richland Kiwanians today demonstrate in many ways how to join together and help to solve the pressing problems our communities face.

Kiwanis International is a global organization of volunteers.  Locally, the Richland Kiwanis club sponsors service clubs, Key Clubs, at both the Richland and Hanford High Schools.  Key Club members learn how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism. 

The Richland Kiwanis club supports Richland School District students by awarding scholarships and holding luncheons honoring "Top Scholars" and foreign exchange students.  In addition, the club helps to maintain the Juvenile Justice Center library, participates in the Dial-a-Story program at the Richland Library, supports the Safe Harbor Support Center, Pen Pal elementary school program, and numerous community, regional, and national charitable causes.

 Each year Richland Kiwanians and Key club members participate in a Pancake Breakfast Fun'd raiser at the Cool Desert Nights auto show.

Visit our Facebook page to learn more about Richland Kiwanis.